Hello 👋

I am a software engineer. I’m interested in technology, finance and real estate.

Here are some selected projects:

Projects Description
This Website! My personal website built using Jekyll and deployed using CloudPages
Bits, Bips and Bricks Collection of essays about tech, finance and real estate and the intersection of the three
The GoldenHack Cofounded a hackathon focusing on the intersection between business and technology
Lobbying in Toronto A work-in-progress project to make it easier to analyze data from the Toronto Lobbyist Registrar
FIPS Census County and County Equivalent Entities A consolidated list of 2010 and 2020 FIPS Census codes for US counties and county equivalents
SavePageNow API A Python wrapper for archive.org’s SavePageNow API
Version Check Pre-commit Hooks Pre-commit hooks to check that Python versions in configurations are consistent
Tweet Archive Converter Convert tweet.js file from Twitter data archive into a CSV file
Git Scraping Use Git to track changes to open data files
fen2svg Convert FEN string to an svg image of a chess board

I spent several years procrastinating on creating a personal website. I was inspired by this tweet to just do it. Just put something up and go from there. Here is the repo for this website.