Hello, PNG! — David Buchanan

Say No to Copyright Unlicense Yourself: Set Your Code Free
Interesting license, where you dedicate your code to public domain
Placing documents into the public domain — D. J. Bernstein
Apparently, contrary to common belief public domain can exist in Germany
Dissecting the Unlicense: Software Freedom in Four Clauses and a Link — Arto Bendiken
[License-review] OSI, legal conditions outside the "four corners" of the license, and PD/CC 0 — Rick Moen
Maybe, Unlicense isn’t such a good idea

The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!) — Joel Spolsky

Switch from Shapefile — Jachym Cepicky
A hater’s guide to Shapefile

No: Body: Wants: To: Write: - YAML — Geoffrey Huntley
A hater’s guide to YAML

PyYAML’s documentation is incomplete and outdated
YAML: The Missing Battery in Python — Bartosz Zaczyński
A user’s guide to PyYAML
YAML Anchors And Aliases And How To Disable Them — Przemek Rogala

Open-Source Licenses
Choose a License — Github
A great comparison of licenses
The Legal Side of Open Source — Github

Impact Markets
Impact Markets: The Annoying Details — Scott Alexander

.gitattributes Best Practices — Muhammad Rehan Saeed
Example for setting up .gitattributes for Git LFS

Python Virtual Environments
Python Virtual Environments: A Primer — Martin Breuss

Certificate Authorities
The Difference Between Root Certificate Authorities, Intermediates, and Resellers — Andrew Ayer
The Story Behind Last Week's Let's Encrypt Downtime — Andrew Ayer
The SSL Certificate Issuer Field is a Lie — Andrew Ayer

Develop Github Actions
How to run a GitHub Action from a branch other than master?
How to run Github Action from the non-main branch for the first time?
How to trigger repository_dispatch event for non-default branch?
repository_dispatch can only be triggered on the default branch

Regular Expression Matching Can Be Simple And Fast (but is slow in Java, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, ...) — Russ Cox
Regular Expression Matching in the Wild — Russ Cox

Music Royalties
Round Hill Music Royalty Fund — Music and finance in harmony — Fiona Orford-Williams
Great breakdown of the bussines of a royalty fund. Exhibit 4 shows how streaming royalty’s are split up
The Definitive Guide to Spotify Royalties — Jeff Price

VBA on macOS
MacOS Mojave – Microsoft Office 365 2019 – Excel – VBAProject References Missing
Microsoft Scripting Runtime library (Dictionary, FileSystemObject, etc.) and other libraries are not available on macOS

Jekyll Redirect From
How to set a relative URL? — ashmaroli
jekyll serve will overwrite redirected relative URLs to http://localhost:4000
frontmatter will redirect the page to the absolute URL (where available) of the target page
Jekyll 4.2.0 Released Permalink
As of 4.2.0, Jekyll no longer overrides the site.url to http://localhost:4000 in absolute URLs while developing via jekyll serve. I think Jekyll Redirect From just has not been updated yet