Keyboard Shortcuts

G : Go to bottom of the page

$ : Go to the end of the line

0 : Go to the start of the line

i : Enter insert mode, where you can start typing text

:wq : Save the file and quit Vi/Vim

w : Save (but not close) file

:q : Quit without saving any changes

10j : Move down 10 lines

10k : Move up 10 lines

dd : Delete line

Keyboard Chains

Select all, delete, paste, and save file: ggVG d i CMD+V Esc :wq Enter

  • gg to move the cursor to the beginning of the file
  • V to start linewise visual mode
  • G to move the cursor to the end of the file, selecting everything in between
  • d to delete the selected text
  • i to enter insert mode
  • CMD+V to paste copied text
  • Esc to exit insert mode
  • :wq Enter to save and exit


  • vim config is stored at ~/.vimrc


  • I am using vim-plug as my Vim plugin manager
  • I installed it using this command

Vim Plugins